Breast cancer
Risk Factors vs.
Protective Factors
Neoplasia and benign Tm
•Usually in the main
ducts near the nipple.
•Young women.
•Before it become
palpable may ulcerate and bloody discharge.
•Block may cause a
retention cyst.
Clinic :
1- bloody
discharge (no pain).
2- small mass fusiform behind areola. Pressur on it bloody
3- if no mass the
pressure on certain point behind the areola will reveal discharge from one duct
•Investigation: Ductography
•Treatment: Excision of the
affected duct (micro-dochectomy).
The commonest breast mass of young women (15-30)
Fibrous +++ and glandular tissues ++
Hard mass (20-30) painless , soft mass (30-50) painfull , accident discover
small, non tender, spherical, firm, well circumscribed, high mobility.
Clinical exam enough for diagnosis
Soft tissue == mammography ==reveal a well
May U/S
Treatment: Excision and
histological confirmation of diagnosis
-A highly cellular type of fibroadenoma that tend to grow
rapidly (brodie). Enlarge slowly and
rich a large size (20-30 cm).
-Cystic formation with skin ulceration
-Rarely malignant.
-Phylloides tumour
-wide local
excision to prevent recurrence
-if infiltrate whole breast simple mastectomy.
Carcinoma of breast
common cancer in women
USA 9:1
cancer is second only to lung cancer as a cause of cancer deaths in American
mean age of affection 60 years.
commonest malignant neoplasm in Egyptian female 35%.
carcinoma may arise from the lobule, ducts or nipples
from the ductal epithelium in the majority of cases.
Carcinoma of
-ductal carcinoma in situ
-Infiltrating ductal carcinoma
•Carcinoma of the
-Non infiltrating
lobular carcinoma (lobular carcinoma in situ)
-Infiltrating lobular
carcinoma. Bilateral in 25%.
disease of nipple:
An introduction of carcinoma which begins in the
epithelium of a main collecting lactiferous duct and
spreads within epithelium
up to the skin of the nipple and down into the breast substance.
A mass may appear after 2 years from the start of the
spread: overlying (skin),
underlying (pectoralis major,…..., chest
spread: mostly to axillary node, next common is
the internal mammary chain.
stream spread: produces
metastases in the lungs, bones, brain and liver.
Clinical features
1- accidently
notices a painless lump.
2- mild breast
pricking pain , nipple retraction or bloody nipple discharge.
3- symptomatic
metastases.(axillary lump ,pulmonary
4- by routine
screening mammography in high risk women.
For breast examination , the top half of trunk exposed,
both breast, axillae, arms and supraclavicular.
-Beast asymmetry - enlargement
-Skin dimpling - skin puckering
-Peau d’orange - skin ulceration or
-Mass : hard ,
irregular , immobile
, fixe
Nipple : retraction ulce
STAGING OF cancer breast
Stage 1:
Mobile mass , no LNs , no
attachment of wall.
Stage 2:
Mobile mass , no attachment of wall , mobile ipsilateral axillary LNs.
Stage 3: (wide licale spread) any of theses
1-skin affection (more than tm but at breast)
2-fixed to pectoral muscles
3-ipsilateral axillary LN
matted together
4-ipsilateral supra clavicular LNs
5-edema of the arm.
Stage 4:
1-skin affection wide of the breast.
2-fixed to chest wall.
3-controlateral axillary LNs.
4-distant metastasis.
v tmn:
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